
自然災害科学阪神・淡路大震災 緊急特集号,1995, Vol.hnaw,No.1, p37f

被災者のこころのケア -ケア・システムの実態と最初の2カ月間の評価-

Psychological Stress Care Following Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster - What Has Been Done for the First Two Months -

林 春男*



Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake disaster created not only direct physical losses of more than 90 billion US dollars, but it also created enormous amount of psychological stress for more than 2.4 million survivors living in the affected areas. It was a first time in the disaster management in Japan that a systematic psychological stress care was exercised for the earthquake victims, using two vehicles. The first one was information dissemination about posttraumatic stress reactions and their coping tips through various kinds of brochures as well as mass media. The second one was outreach counseling for the earthquake homelless living in the shelters, where accommodated at peak more than 300,000 people in about 1,000 shelters. Both outside volunteers as weIl as mental health teams dispatched by the Ministry of Welfare to the Health Center at each local jurisdiction went out for talking with the victims in the shelters about their psychological problems. It was argued for the establishment of long-term care stations at each municipality where all the people involved in the psychological care program should be coordinated.


阪神大震災, PTSD, ストレスマネージメント, 情報提供, ローカルゲートキーパー

Research Center for Disaster Reduction Systems, DPRI, Kyoto University