
自然災害科学53 Vol.19,No.1, 2000, p61f

【報告】[Scientific Report]

パプアニューギニア地震津波被災から1年後の活動 -PARTIC会議を通じた復興と今後の対策への模索-

Report on the Activity of Recovery from the Darnage by the 1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake and Tsunami on the Occasion of 1st Year Anniversary - Grope for Recovery and Countermeasure through PARTIC -

今村 文彦*・日下 太一**

Fumihiko IMAMURA* and Taichi KUSAKA**


The paper aims to report the activity of Papua New Guinea and Region Tsunami Conference (PARTIC) held one year after the enormous disaster due to earthquake and tsunami of 17 July 1998, consisting of three components; Public Awareness (PA), Tsunami Science (TS), and Disaster Management (DM). In PA, the expert team was drawn together and sent into the field to talk with survivors with the object of (a) giving at first hand the very latest findings of the scientific community to the survivors and (b) demonstrating that there is a clear consensus that the tsunami was a natural event triggered by an earthquake, and not the mischievous work of miscreants or a man-made power. The objective of TS sessions were (a) to bring together some of the scientists who are currently researching into the cause of the tsunami and (b) to inform PNG-based geo-scientists about tsunami science in general and about the Aitape tsunami in particular. In DM, representatives of the affected villages, disaster management officials from the central and local governments and various experts from NGOs and other organizations reported their findings, reviewed the prevention, response and relief activities, and discussed better ways to prepare for any future tsunamis expected to arrive on the coasts of PNG.



Key words:

tsunami disaster, Papua New Guinea, disaster response, recovery

Disaster Control Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Asia Disaster Reduction Center