
自然災害科学50 Vol.18,No.2, 1999, p213f

【報告】[Scientific Report]


Heavy Rainfall Disaster in September of 1998 by Akisame Front in Kochi Prefecture

山本 晴彦*・岩谷 潔**・鈴木 賢士*・早川 誠而*

Haruhiko YAMAMOTO*, Kiyoshi IWAYA**, Kenji SUZUKI* and Seiji HAYAKAWA*


Meteorological disaster was caused by Akisame Front in middle part of Kochi Prefecture. At Shigeto in Tosayamada Town, the amount of precipitation between September 23 and 25 was 995 mm, the amount of precipitation on September 24 was 735 mm. In Kochi meteorological station, daily maximum 10 minutes precipitation, daily maximum 1 hour precipitation and maximum 24 hours precipitation were 28.5 mm, 129.5 mm and 861.0 mm, respectively. In middle part of Kochi Prefecture, observing station of precipitation was about 90 points, it was high density. The residential land and farmland in Kochi City, Nangoku City, Tosayamada Town and Haruno Town suffered from the flood of rivers by increased water. The amount of damage in the disaster of Kochi City with Akisame Front exceeded 41.5 billion yen.



Key words:

akisame front, Kochi Prefecture, heavy rainfall, flood disaster, precipitation

Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University
United Department of Agricultural Science, Graduate School of Tottori University