
自然災害科学42 Vol.16,No.2, 1997, p143f

【論文】[Regular Paper]


Recent Stage of Tsunami Detection System and Proposal for Regional Network System

今村 文彦*

Fumihiko IMAMURA*


Interview, questionnaire and field investigation are carried out to clarify technical and operational problems on Tsunami Detection System recently installed at tsunami prone areas in Japan. Although technical problems of observing unusual sea level change due to coastal phenomena including tsunamis have been almost solved, a criteria to detect tsunami and a transmission system of tsunami information to local people are still not established, causing confusions in issuing tsunami warning and advisory instructions. The RTNS (Regional Tsunami Network System) interchanging information among each area is proposed through utilizing observations such as ultrasonic pressure type sensors and buoy-type gauges, which solves the problem in insufficient time to transfer information before a tsunami attack because most of tsunami gauge stations are located at fishery port near a residential area. For efficient interchange of information, the stations in the RTNS should be selected by referring travel time estimated by numerical simulations and a wave amplification at each area around stations should be known.



Key words:

observation system, tsunami disaster, information network, tsunami gauge

Disaster Control Research Center, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University