英文誌 “Journal of Disaster Science and Management (JDSM)”
Ver. 2021.03
Author's Guideline
Before you submit your manuscript, it is very important to read and follow these instructions:
- Please review your title, keywords and abstract.
- Make sure that the manuscript does not exceed 15 typewritten pages. Full-length papers should be divided into sections (Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion).
- If a report is being sent, it should be approximately 1500 words or of equivalent space including figures and tables. These must be brief definitive reports and not preliminary findings. Most importantly it needs to be clear and easy to follow.
- Reviews will be published following invitation from editors or by the suggestion of authors.
- Special Issues may also be published. They generally contain selected contributions (invited lectures) from international conferences, or a collection of papers on a specific topic, and may be composed of review articles, research papers, and short notes. Guest Editors responsible for the organization of Special Issues will be invited by the editors of the journal, but may also be suggested by experts who are willing to organize a special issue on a topic that deserves publication.
- Letters to the Editor and announcements of meetings and courses will be included at the discretion of the editors and the publisher.
Title Page
Title (concise but informative), authors’ complete name (first name, middle name and last name), full institutional addresses of all authors, correspondence email for proofs should be provided.
The abstract should be intelligible to the general reader without reference to the text. After a brief introduction of the topic, the summary presents the key points of the article and provides future directions where research could focus on in the near future. Reference citations should not be included in this section, unless urgently required, and non-standard abbreviations should not be included without explanations.
The headings of all sections including introduction, results, discussions or summary must be numbered.
Footnotes should be avoided as these tend to disrupt the flow of the text. If absolutely necessary, these should be numbered consecutively. Footnotes to tables should be marked by lowercase letters.
Appendices should be labelled with capital letters: Appendix A, Appendix B etc. Equations, figures and tables should be numbered as (1), Fig. 2 or Table 3, respectively.
Figures should be labelled in consecutive Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3,). For the production of the accepted manuscript figures should be submitted as separate files in *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, or *.gif format with a resolution of not less than 150-300 dpi. Composite figures containing multiple panels should be collected into one file before submission.
However, in case of figures in portrait orientation with a small aspect ratio, it is recommended that the authors provide all subfigures as individual files to allow a splitting. Photographs and images must be saved in *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, or *.gif format, ideally converted into high quality *.pdf, with a resolution of not less than 150-300 dpi. Visual cues should appear on the figure itself, rather than verbal explanations in the legend (e.g. “dashed line” or “open green circles”).
Figure Legends
Each illustration should have a concise but descriptive legend. All symbols and abbreviations used in the figure must be defined, unless they are common abbreviations or have already been defined in the text. Figure legends should be included in the text file and not in the figure files.
Tables should appear on separate sheets after the references and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. For the production of the accepted manuscript, they should be submitted as MS WORD. Tables submitted as PDF or image files cannot be processed. Tables should be self-explanatory and include a concise yet sufficiently descriptive caption. Horizontal lines should normally only appear above and below the table, and as a separator between the head and the main body of the table. Vertical lines must be avoided.
File Size
Authors are kindly asked to find the best balance between good quality of figures and submitted material on the one hand, and to keep the overall file size limited on the other hand. Individual figures should not exceed 5 MB, and the overall size of all submitted files excluding supplements should not exceed 30 MB.
Evaluation Criteria: While preparing their manuscript, authors are kindly requested to consider the manuscript evaluation criteria to meet the quality standards and to reduce the peer-review processing time.
References must be arranged alphabetically following as these sample References styles:
Blong, R.J. (1985) Gully sidewall development in New South Wales, Australia. Soil Erosion and Conservation, Edited by El-Swanify, W.C., Moldenhauer, A., Lo, A., Soil Conservation Soc. Am., Ankeny, Iowa, pp. 574-584.
Edinger, J.E., Brady, D.K. and Geyer, J.C. (1974) Heat exchange and transport in the environment. Report 14, EPRI Publication No. 74-049-00-3, Electric Power Res. Inst., Palo Alto, Calif.
Kim, J.H. and Mays, L.W. (1994) Optimal Rehabilitation Model for Water-Distribution Systems. J. Water Res. Plng. and Mgmt., ASCE, Vol.120, No. 5, pp. 674-692.
Lewellen, W.S. (1977) Use of invariant modeling. Handbook of Turbulence, Edited by Frost, W., Vol. 1, Plenum Press, New York, N.Y., pp. 237-280.
Ozawa, K. and Tamai, N. (1998) Analytical Solution of Three Dimensional Flow. Hydroinformatics 98, IAHR, Copenhagen, Denmark, Vol. 1, pp. 205-212.
Rebelo, C. and Rigueiro, C. (1997) Dynamic Response of Footbridges-A Case Study. Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Vol. 1, pp. 443-448.
Manuscript Classification
The manuscripts submitted to the Journals of Disaster Science and Management (JDSM) are classified into “general manuscript” and “urgent manuscript” according to the review procedure.
The manuscripts are classified into Research Papers, Discussion and Replies. Research Papers should be a well-organized paper based on original theories of experimental research and technical achievement. Discussion and Replies should present complementary of different data or opinions on previously published research method and result. In principle, the writer should reply to the discussion.
Manuscript should be electronically submitted through the website of JDSM <http://kyobo105.medone.co.kr>. The link to journal submission can be found in the websites of JSNDS and KOSHAM.Review Process
The submitted manuscript shall be examined according to the Operation of Editorial Board of JDSM by three (3) referees (those with a doctoral degree coinciding with the subject of paper or experts corresponding to that) selected by the Editor in Chief.
Research Ethics
For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instruction, follow the International standards for editors and author, e.g., https://publicationethics.org/resources/resources-and-further-reading/international-standards-editors-and-authors
Manuscript must be accompanied by the “Copyright Transfer Agreement,” signed by authors. The form can be found at the website of JDSM Manuscript Checklist.
Author are recommended to examine the check list before submission of manuscript. Check list is available at the website of JDSM <http://kyobo105.medone.co.kr>.