英文誌 “Journal of Disaster Science and Management”

日本自然災害学会 英文論文集へ投稿される方へ

40巻にわたって出版してまいりました英文論文集 Journal of Natural Disaster Science (JNDS)は、この度、韓国防災学会(KOSHAM)と連携して、日韓両学会共通の英文論文集Journal of Disaster Science and Management (JDSM) と名前を変えて新たな展開を図ることといたしました。JNDSの長年の歴史を継承し、JDSMは第41巻(Vol. 41)より始まります。皆様の投稿をお待ちします。


Dear Authors of English journal papers,

The Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science published its English journal, Journal of Natural Disaster Science (JNDS) up to Vol. 40. Cooperated with the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation (KOSHAM), the English journals of both societies are combined and renamed as Journal of Disaster Science and Management (JDSM) to promote further development of the societies. Considering the long history of JNDS, the first volume of JDSM will be numbered as Vol. 41. We expect your active paper submission to JDSM. Thank you.

Editorial Committee for JDMS