Estimation of Wave Climate along the Coast of the Japan Sea Based on Wave Hindcasting
By Masataka YAMAGUCHI*, Yoshio HATADA*, Manabu OHFUKU* and Kenji NISHIOKA**


@A wave hindcast system which consists of a wind estimation model and a wave estimation model is applied to compute wave characteristics over two years every one hour at 14 selected points along the coast of the Japan Sea. The wind estimation is done by spatial interpolation onto a regular grid of atmospheric pressure data observed at irregularly distributed points surrounding the sea area and the application of the Bijvoet wind model. The deep water wave model belonging to a decoupled propagation model traces the change of directional spectrum along a straight wave ray of each compo- nent focusing a hindcast point. Close agreement between computations and observations for time variation of significant waves and wave directions as well as their long term wave climate verifies the validity of the wave hindcast system. In addition, wave climate at two points where long term wave data have not been obtained is evaluated with use of the system.

Key words: wave hindcast, spectral model, Japan sea, analysis of wave climate

Department of Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Graduate Course of Ocean EngineeringCEhimeUniversity
