Estimation of P- and S- Wave Velocities in Deep Soil Deposits for Evaluating Ground Vibrations in Earthquake
狐崎 長琅* ・ 後藤 典俊** ・ 小林 芳正! ・ 井川 猛!! ・ 堀家 正則# ・ 斉藤徳美## ・ 黒田 徹!!
山根一修% ・ 奥住宏一%%
Choro KITSUNEZAKI*, Noritoshi GOTO**, Yoshimasa KOBAYASHI! Takeshi IKAWA!!, Masanori HORIKE#, Tokumi SAlT## Toru KUROTA!!, Kazunobu YAMANE% and Koichi OKUZUMI%%


 The following two kinds of empirical relations are derived: l) relations between the P-wave velocities and geological factors (facies, time and depth), based on oil well data in Akita prefecture; 2) relations between the S-wave velocities and the P-wave ones, based on published and new data from in situ velocities measurements in relatively decp boreholes in Japan. Combination of the above two relations provides means for estimating the S-wave velocities from geological factors. A VSP experiment was carried out in a well of 1.3 km depth in Akita prefecture to provide this study with S- and P-wave data of oil field area. To demonstrate the purpose of this study, calculations of ground vibrations due to the vertically incident SH-waves are conducted for a two-dimensional seismic structure model corresponding to a typical sedimentary basin in Akita prefecture.

Key words: seismic wave velocities, S wave, deep soil doposits, earthquake ground motion evaluation.

Department of Geoscience, Mining Engineering
and Material Processing, Mining College Akita University
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology.
Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
JAPEX Geoscience Institute Inc .
Department of Architectural Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology
Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
Geothermal Energy Research & Development Co.
Mitsui Mineral Development Engineering Co.
