Behaviour of People in the San-in FIood Disaster in July l983
今本 博健* ・ 石垣 泰輔* ・ 大年 邦雄*
Hirotake IMAMOIO*, Taisuke I SHIGAKI* and Kunio OHTOSHi*


 Heavy rainfall attacked San'in area in July 23, l983, and l07 persons were kiIled or missed by this disaster. The questionaire rsearch was carried out in August, l983, to make clear the behaviour of peopIe during the flood. The influence factors on the people's action in this disaster were analyzed by the quantification theory I.
 The main results obtained by this investigation are as follows:
(1) Meteorological informations and the preparation for a disaster at ordinary times are the principal factors which influence the preliminary action for a disaster.
(2) Refuge informations and the disaster preventive consciousness of people are dominant over the refuge action.

Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Univ.
