Relationship between the Strong Wind Region and the Forest Damage in Akita Prefecture by Typhoon 9119
梶川 正弘* ・ 薄木 征三** ・ 武藤 哲男*
Masahiro KAJIKAWA*, Seizou UUSUKI** and Tetsuo MUTO*


 A strong wind disaster was caused by Typhoon 9119 in the Tohoku district on September 28, 199l. The purpose of this report is to investigate the relationship between the surface wind field and the localization phenomena of severe forest damage by the typhoon in Akita Prefecture. The results are summarized as follows.
 l) The strong wind of about 20 m/s in mean wind speed prevailed for about three hours in the restricted region of the northern inland part in Akita Prefecture.
 2) This restricted region was coincident with the towns and villages suffered the severe forest damage.
 3) The facts mentioned above suggest that Typhoon 9119 possessed the unique structure in the dissipating stage.

Key words : typhoon, strong wind disaster, forest disaster, Typhoon 9119

College of Education, Akita University
Mining College, Akita University
