Applicability of a Long Term Shallow Water Wave Hindcast System to the Estimation of Wave Climate along the Coast of the Japan Sea
山口 正隆* ・ 畑田 佳男* ・ 旭置武志**
Masataka YAMAGUCHI*, Yoshio HATADA* and Takeshi HIOKI**


 This paper deals with 8 years of wave hindcasting at 11 wave observation points along the coast of the Japan Sea using a long-term shallow water wave hindcast system, and investigation of its applicability to the estimation of wave climate based on comparison with observations for not only time variations of significant waves but also long-term sea state parameters such as yearly-averaged wave height and period. Wind estimation is arrived at by spatial interpolation onto a regular grid of atmospheric pressure observed at irregularly-distributed points and the use of the Bijvoet model. Wave estimation is arrived at by a shallow water spectral wave model with a backward full ray tracing method. The availability of the present system and the advantages over the deep water wave hindcast system previously developed by the authors are verified by close and more reasonable agreement with the observed data including mean wave direction.

Key words: long term shallow water wave hindcast, spectral model, the Japan Sea, wave climate

Department of Civil and Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Graduate Course of Ocean Engineering, EhimeUniversity
