Vol.11-3 |
Snow Damage in an Urban Area with Heavy Snowfall
Part 2: The Annual Amounts of Snow Damage in District of Nagaoka
City in the Years of Snow Abundance and Scarcity
上村 靖司* ・ 梅村 晃由*
Seiji KAMIMURA* and Teruyoshi UMEMURA* |
In order to support a long-term planning of snow-removal system in a
city of heavy snowfall, annual amounts of snow damage are estimated in
representative years of different amount of snowfall in areas of different
land use.
The calculated amount of snow damage in Nagaoka City is greatest in the
commercial area, and least in the first kind residential area, depending
greatly on the land value and the establishment of snow facilities. And
an additional calculation has shown that construction of snow removing
ditch is not economical except in the commercial area if the snow carrying
man-power is taken into account.
The total amounts of snow damage in 20 km2 urban area are 15.1 billion
yen, 10.4 billion yen and 7.5 billion yen per year in the years of abundance
(1986), average (1983) and scarcity (1989) respectively.
Key words: amount of snow damage, urban area with heavy snowfall, snow
removal, economic evaluation
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology