Vol.11-2 |
地域地震防災対策の数理計画(1) −定式化と直後対策における簡単な計算例−
Mathematical Planning of Regional Countermeasures against Earthquake
Part l. Formulation and a Simple Model Study for Emergency Responses
太田 裕* ・ 塩野 計司**
Yutaka OHTA* and Keishi SHIONO** |
By applying a mathematical method of linear programming, we formulated
a procedure for enhancing the effectiveness of the emergency response
taken by a local government at city level. We laid the planning criteria
on the optimum allocation of available resources, both human and material,
into the multiple objectives of disaster management, including conservation
of lives, properties, and living of affected inhabitants. To replace this
multi-objective optimization problem into single-objective one which is
far convenient in practical solution, we introduced a set of weighting
coefficients that allows the significance and priority of response objectives
and activities. We carried out a case study for a hypothetical disaster
situation to demonstrate the performance of the planning procedure. We,
referring the results of the case study suggested that the procedure is
also applicable to the evaluation of regional preparedness in terms of
the availability of response resources.
Key words: regional earthquake protection, mathematical planning, optimization,
model study
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
Department of Civl Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Tokyo Metopolitan