Damages and Land Disasters Caused by Recent Earthquakes in and aroud Izu Peninsula
土 隆一** ・ 村井 勇***
Ryuichi TSUCHI** Isamu MURAI***


 Wooden house damages and landslides have occurred extensively in Izu Peninsula by recent three large earthquakes in and around the area, i. e., the Kita-Izu earthquake of 1930(M=7.0), the Earthquake off Izu Peninsula of 1974 (M=6.9) and the Izu-Oshima-Kinkai earthquake of 1978 (M=7.0).
 In respective earthquakes, wooden-house damages are remarkable in areas along the earthquakes faults, related active faults, and also in alluvial plains consisting of thick silty sediments. Landslides and rock-falls are prevaihng especially in areas along the earthquake faults, related active faults, and also on sea cliffs along the coast.Several heavy landslides which have occurred in northern and central Izu Peninsula are probably due to thick covers of tephra in these areas. Thus, the distribution of those disasters are closely related to the geology of the peninsula. It is noteworthy that areas of distributions of those disasters caused by respective earthquakes have been clearly bounded on each other.

*自然災害シンポジウム, 昭和58年1月10日, 東京で講演
Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
